Tankless Water Heater Information

Tankless water heaters are available in Gas or Electric versions, Both are also known as demand-type or instant water heaters and both versions heat the water only as it is needed. This page will provuide information about both types of tankless heaters. Links below will take you directly to Gas or Electric tankless heaters if you altready know which tankless water heater is right for your home.
Gas or Electric Tankless Water Heaters
Gas Tankless Water Heaters Electric Tankless Water Heaters Tools for installing Tankless Water Heaters Index/Home Basements101.com

How_Gas_Tankless_works (86K) Gas tankless water heaters
share the following basic components:

Cold Water Inlet Pipe
Flow Sensors
Heat Exchanger
Computer or Circuit Board
Hot Water Outlet Pipe

Electric_Tankless_Flow (75K) Electric tankless water heaters
share the following basic components:

Cold Water Inlet Pipe
Flow Sensors
Electric Heating Element
Computer or Circuit Board
Hot Water Outlet Pipe

Click on the video below to start playing and see the difference between Gas and Electric Tankless Water Heaters.

Listed below are a few tankless water heaters currently listed for sale on ebay.
To see other listings currently on Ebay just type the name in the search box below.

Tankless Gas Water Heater Safety

The following are general safety and installation requirements for a tankless gas water heater.
Tankless heaters potentially can explode and cause significant damage, injury, or death if certain safety devices are not installed. A safety device called a pressure relief valve, is normally attached to the hot water side of tankless heaters to dump water if the temperature or pressure becomes too high. If a gas tankless water heater is installed in a garage or basement, many plumbing codes require that it be elevated at least 18 in (46 cm) above the floor to reduce the potential for fire or explosion due to spillage or leakage of combustible Gas fired tankless water heaters should not be located in sleeping areas.
Tankless heater controls are generally set to 120° F or less to help prevent accidental scalding.

Recovery Rate
Gas fired tankless water heaters do not produce hot water until a tap is turned on and hot water is called for.

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