How Much does it cost?

Cost index

How much does it cost to?

This is one of our most asked questions. Please keep in mind that cost will always vary depending on your location and the finishes you choose. We have put together a list of the cost questions we hear the most and listed them below for your review. Take a look and we hope you find this page helpful. As you browse thru this website you will find lots of info that can be used for home improvement and remodeling in all areas of your home. More detailed information on how to finish a basement can be found at

How much does it cost to finish a Basement? - This is our number 1 question. Click on the questions for answers.

Average cost to finish a basement yourself? - $18,497.

How much does it cost to finish a basement bathroom? - $3,700 DIY to $9,500 to hire a Pro.

Should I add a bathroom for my Basement - Simple answer is "No". Click here to see why?

How Much does it cost?

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