Should I add a Bathroom to my Basement

Average Basement Bathroom Cost

Should I add a Bathroom to my Basement?

Short answer is No. Longer answer is: If you are doing your own basement remodel and this is your first big basement project, maybe you should consider skipping the bathroom for now. Why would we say something like this? A bathroom can easily take up to 33% of your total materials cost in a basement. You could also find yourself spending 33% of your labor working on that bathroom. You should really ask your self a few questions before adding a bathroom to your basement space. Do you really need a bathroom here and how many times a day will it be used?

On the other hand...If you are hiring a professional to finish your basement and you can afford it, go ahead and add that full bath to the plans. We are not trying to talk anyone out of a bathroom in the basement. Just suggesting that it can be an overwelming project for a DIY homeowner. You want to love it when you finish it. Not be reminded of all the headaches every time you use it.

More detailed information on how to finish a basement can be found at

The Major steps to finish a basement are listed below for your review. Take a look at all steps and decide which ones you can complete on your own. Be sure to pay close attention to number 5 which may help answer your question - Should I add a Bathroom to my Basement.

Step 1. Planning - Planning and Design is the first step to finish your basement.

Step 2. Layout - It is important to decide where everything will be located in your basement.

Step 3. Framing - Framing and building walls in your basement

Step 4. Electrical - Electrical Home Wiring

Step 5. Plumbing - Plumbing for your basement. includes Rough and Finish plumbing.

Step 6. Drywall - Drywall Instructions

Step 7. Painting - Painting your Basement

Step 8. Trim and Doors - How-To install doors and finish trim.

Step 9. Flooring - Basement Flooring.

Should I add a Bathroom to my Basement?

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