How-to wire Outlets in a Basement

DIY How-to wire Outlets

How to Wire Outlets

Photos and Wiring Diagrams for Wiring 120 volt Electrical outlets for specific and general purpose circuits. Includes devices rated for all 120 volt residential applications in a variety of standard configurations.

Don't Reverse Hot and Neutral Wires

The brass colored screws are always the hot terminal and the silver colored screws are for the neutral(usually white) wire. Connecting the black hot wire to the neutral terminal of an outlet can create a lethal shock. Lights and other plug-in devices may still work even if the outlet is wired incorrectly.

Always be sure to connect the white wire to the neutral terminal of outlets and light fixtures. The neutral terminal is usually identified by a silver or light-colored screw. Connect the hot wire to the brass colored terminal on the opposite side of the outlet. If there's a green screw, that's the ground. Connect the ground to a green or bare ground wire or grounded box.

Cutting Wires Too Short

Cutting wires too short is a common mistake. Leave the wires long enough to protrude at least 5 in. from the box. Wires that are cut too short will make your connections difficult and dangerous. If you do cut your wires too short, there is an easy fix. You can add 6-in. extensions onto the existing wires or you can also purchase push on connectors found in the electrical dept. of your neighborhood home improvement store.

Be Positive the Power's Off

When you're doing electrical work, don't assume that because you flicked a switch or flipped a circuit breaker the power is off—always double-check. Buy a noncontact voltage tester and check all the wires in the box before you do any work.
Note - These are How to wire Outlets videos uploaded by others who decided to do-it-yourself. and we are not responsible for their content.

How to Wire Outlets

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How to wire Outlets
produced by Another How To Channel

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